Here’s what DeskOptional does. If you want to know who DeskOptional is, see the “About” page.

Work From Home Preparedness


Do you need to work from home and find your PC needs some attention to be ready? I can help, fast. I’ll clear out the cobwebs from your browser, make sure you are properly protected from malware and other annoyances, and make sure you are ready for whatever comes next. $99.

** Special Coronavirus Note **

If your primary focus or job is fighting the pandemic, this service is free. Here are the qualifications: if you tell me you are and I believe you, you're qualified. If you're in health care or are a first responder, or you live under the same roof as somebody who is, you’re qualified. Reach out and tell me how I can help. If I can, I will.

Cloud Travel Agent


Everybody wants to be “in the cloud”, especially now. But which cloud? Google’s? Microsoft’s? Something else? A mix? How do you decide, and once you do how do you get there? I’ve travelled in the clouds for almost twenty years, so I can help you get there too. $199 for 1-3 people, ask about more.

Phone Systems


We still need phones, but increasingly we don’t work in environments where an old-fashioned business phone system makes any sense. Using your cell phone works out fine at first, but many find that leads to not having work-life boundaries and turns into a bigger problem as you grow. Tell me about what you do and who you talk with to do it, and I’ll design and deploy the right phone solution for you. $299 for 1-3 people, ask about more.


Contact Us

1704 Llano St #B1068
Santa Fe NM 87505
(505) 843-9539